
Brief information

Before you begin

Unlike many other PODBot flavours, YaPB is able to run as metamod plugin as well as standalone dll for every platform it supports (except Android) without changing so/dll/dylib.


If you have some mods like AMX Mod X installed, you should consider installing bots as a metamod plugin, not as standalone dll. In other situations there is no requirement to install metamod before installing YaPB.

Installation docs only cover installing bot on genuine Steam version of Counter-Strike. Assuming that if you run something special, you know how to install bot as standalone dll or as metamod plugin.


Only 32-bit binary is available, since Valve has dropped support for 64-bit HLDS.

Installing bot on Windows

YaPB supports installing both on listen and dedicated server under Windows. Many people are using it as their main operating system, so the bot has a simple installer, that could assist you in adding bots to game. If you don’t want to install manually, please use an installer.

Installing using setup program

  • Download the latest YaPB bot installer from (example: yapb-4.4.957-windows.exe)

  • Run program.

  • Press Browse and point to where hl.exe/hlds.exe is located.

  • Press Install to install bot.

  • You’re done!


Installer program automatically detects whether you use metamod, and will patch plugins.ini file automatically for you, adding entry to point to yapb.dll. If there is no metamod, installer will patch the liblist.gam file to point to yapb.dll


Installer has a feature for detecting Counter-Strike game folders. It’s looks up all directories where selected hl.exe/hlds.exe is located and checks the library for containing export symbols weapon_ak47 and weapon_m4a1, and if so assuming that this folder contains some Counter-Strike version, it will install bot to this directory automatically.

Installing without metamod

Assuming that your Counter-Strike is located at: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike.


If you’re installing bot for Condition Zero, then install it to czero folder instead.

  • Download the latest ZIP YaPB package from (example:

  • Unzip the downloaded package to C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike directory.

  • Open a file called liblist.gam in Notepad or any other text editor. (located in C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike.)

  • Locate the entry gamedll. It should point to dlls\mp.dll.

  • Change entry from gamedll "dlls\mp.dll" to gamedll "addons\yapb\bin\yapb.dll".

  • Save the changes.

  • You’re done!

Installing as metamod plugin

Assuming that your Counter-Strike is located at: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike.


If you’re installing bot for Condition Zero, then install it to czero folder instead.

  • Download the latest ZIP YaPB package from (example:

  • Unzip the downloaded package to C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike directory.

  • Open a file called plugins.ini in Notepad or any other text editor. (located in C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike\addons\metamod.)

  • Append the following entry: win32 addons/yapb/bin/yapb.dll.

  • Save the changes.

  • You’re done!

Installing bot on Linux

YaPB supports installing both on listen and dedicated server under Linux. No installer provided for the Linux.

Installing without metamod

Assuming that your Counter-Strike is located at: /usr/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike.


If you’re installing bot for Condition Zero, then install it to czero folder instead.

  • Download the latest TAR.XZ YaPB package from (example: yapb-4.4.957-linux.tar.xz)

  • Extract the downloaded package to /usr/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike directory.

  • Open a file called liblist.gam in any text editor. (located in /usr/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike)

  • Locate the entry gamedll_linux. It should point to dlls/

  • Change entry from gamedll_linux "dlls/" to gamedll_linux "addons/yapb/bin/".

  • Save the changes.

  • You’re done!

Installing as metamod plugin

Assuming that your Counter-Strike is located at: /usr/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike.


If you’re installing bot for Condition Zero, then install it to czero folder instead.

  • Download the latest TAR.XZ YaPB package from (example: yapb-4.4.957-linux.tar.xz)

  • Extract the downloaded package to /usr/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike directory.

  • Open a file called plugins.ini in any text editor. (located in /usr/steam/steamapps/common/half-life/cstrike/addons/metamod.)

  • Append the following entry: linux addons/yapb/bin/

  • Save the changes.

  • You’re done!

Installing bot on macOS

YaPB can be installed on listen servers only if you use macOS.


macOS support is deprecated. YaPB binary moved to extras package and is located in the darwin-x86 folder.


There is unofficial binary called hlds_osx provided by AlliedModders LLC allowing you to run HLDS under macOS. You can try download it here.


Valve didn’t update GoldSrc games to support macOS Catalina, and Apple has dropped 32-bit support, so Counter-Strike isn’t playable on latest macOS releases. YaPB still provides binaries for pre-Catalina users. As soon as Valve (if ever) release Counter-Strike for macOS Catalina, YaPB 64-bit binaries will be available.

Installing without metamod

Assuming that your Counter-Strike is located at: /Users/user/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike.


If you’re installing bot for Condition Zero, then install it to czero folder instead.

  • Download the latest YaPB package from (example: or yapb-4.4.957-linux.tar.xz)

  • Download the latest extras package from (example: ``

  • Unzip the downloaded YaPB package to /Users/user/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike directory.

  • Unzip the yapb.dylib binary from the darwin-x86 folder in the downloaded extras package to /Users/user/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike/addons/yapb/bin directory.

  • Open a file called liblist.gam in any text editor. (located in /Users/user/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike.)

  • Locate the entry gamedll_osx. It should point to dlls/cs.dylib.

  • Change entry from gamedll_osx "dlls/cs.dylib" to gamedll_osx "addons/yapb/bin/yapb.dylib".

  • Save the changes.

  • You’re done!

Installing as metamod plugin

Assuming that your Counter-Strike is located at: /Users/user/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike.


If you’re installing bot for Condition Zero, then install it to czero folder instead.

  • Download the latest YaPB package from (example: or yapb-4.4.957-linux.tar.xz)

  • Download the latest extras package from (example: ``

  • Unzip the downloaded YaPB package to /Users/user/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike directory.

  • Unzip the yapb.dylib binary from the darwin-x86 folder in the downloaded extras package to /Users/user/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike/addons/yapb/bin directory.

  • Open a file called plugins.ini in any text editor. (located in /Users/user/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/cstrike/addons/metamod)

  • Append the following entry: osx addons/yapb/bin/yapb.dylib.

  • Save the changes.

  • You’re done!